On Leadership

Leadership Doesn’t Just Happen … Or Does It?

Leadership research, theories, discussions and debates have raged on for centuries. Some see Leadership as an almost magical power that select people are born with. Others believe individuals and companies can develop and nurture leaders driving organizational excellence.

Everyone agrees, however, that Leadership is vital to success. See for yourself and decide what you believe.

Effective Leadership

Strength, skill, experience, and wisdom are among many attributes associated with being a good Leader. However to be effective, a Leader needs to connect with the people who are being led.

What is Leadership?

Leadership is a trait that effects just about every creature on the planet – from alphas in a wolf pack or gorilla troop, to kids on a playground, workers in a factory or executives in a boardroom.

Leadership Value

Leadership is aspirational, inspirational and motivational. It is an attribute that can be felt from an individual, a group or an entire organization.

What Makes a Leader?

Part 1
Leadership isn’t like math or science. There aren’t many absolutes. Theories about what makes a leader have been argued literally for centuries.

What Makes a Leader?

Part 2 While at times there seem to be almost as many Leadership Theories as there are Leaders, this second of two parts of our Leadership examination finishes an overview of the eight commonly accepted theories.

The Power of Effective Followers

Leaders need followers – without them there is no one to execute on a vision or deliver to meet a goal. Effective followers are much more than worker bees following directions or executing by directive.

Recruiting and Retaining Top Talent

Talented producers are some of a business’ most valuable assets. Attracting, hiring and retaining the people who make a difference can be very challenging – especially when you consider that each individual may have his or her own motivators.

Leading Millennials

There’s no shortage of news stories and thought-leadership pieces on the style, values, motivators and interactions of Millennials – and the fact that they are very different than previous generations.

Understanding Motivation

You hear talk of motivation all the time. From the boardroom and conference room to the classroom and even the family room, motivation is a common topic. It’s usually a one-dimensional conversation focused on some carrot or stick approach to cultivate achievement.

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Effective Leadership

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Download Chapter 5

The Power of Effective Followers

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Download Chapter 6

Recruiting and Retaining Top Talent

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Download Chapter 7

Leading Millennials

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Download Chapter 8

Understanding Motivation

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